Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Well, it's Father's Day. It's been a good one as far as they go. I'm writing tonight from my couch. That's right...I've got the wireless set-up all working on my new netbook and it's now almost ready for my trip. Just a few more little things and I'll be all ready!

I heard from all 3 daughters today. I'm a lucky dad that they all take a moment out of their own busy lives and call me to say "Happy Father's Day".

It's very hot today...I'd say 96 or so, but we BBQ'd for dinner. You'd think with it being so hot, I wouldn't want to go near an open flame, but I really hate to waste an opportunity to grill on one of my days off. So the BBQ was on. I think for dessert, it's gonna be ice-cream! I think I hear it calling now...

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Posting from my new netbook this morning. The little guy came in the mail a day or so ago.

It's supposed to get up to 97 today. Finally! That's what I'm talkin' about.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy Friday!

Well, it's Friday again. I just love this day. I think it rained every day this week so far, but today, (so far) there is no rain and to celebrate...I rode Ruby in to work. Ta-da!!!

It's been over a week since I got to ride. With my trip coming up in just over a month, I need to get some more miles under my belt. Ruby needs her 20,000 mile maintenance and I need to put 2 new tires on before I head out. And, please God, the weather will warm up some and the sun come out! If it hits 80 degrees today we'll be lucky.

I ordered a "NetBook" yesterday. A Samsung NC10-14GB. Should get that in a couple of days. The plan is to take that along with me on my trip so I can keep a (sort-of) journal of the whole thing. Hopefully I'll be diligent and upload pictures that I take too. It should be a moving (pun) account of my trip.

Gotta go. Bye.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I'm already behind...

Where did Monday go? I went up to Iowa and visited my daughter(s), son-in-law and grandchild this past weekend. We all had a nice time and visit but I'm a little bit behind posting.

I have a couple of pictures of the grandbaby (Naomi) that you see here. I hadn't seen her since last November so she's changed quite a bit. She appears to be a very happy baby...and cute too, if I do say so myself.

The one picture is of my 2 daughters, my son-in-law and Naomi. I cut the head off my son-in-law in the other picture (don't take it personally) but got who I was after...Naomi!

Gotta go. Bye.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Another rainy day...

Yuck! Another day of cool temps and rain. It's enough to give you the Blues...and I'm not talkin' hockey. Maybe it's just me, but I seem to remember the summers of my youth as being long, sunny and hot. I sure miss those days.

But, I guess it's good to have an inside job today...I won't get wet. Gotta look for the silver lining.

Hope your day is bright and your outlook sunny.


Monday, June 1, 2009

I think Summer is finally here...

Yesterday was the best riding day so far this year. With temperatures in the upper 80's and plenty of sunshine, it was a perfect recipe for sun burn...which I am sporting today. But, I'm not complaining.

Yesterday I rode down around the Taum Sauk State Park area. Taum Sauk Mtn. is the highest point in Missouri (1,7xx ?? ft) which is not very high if you're from Colorado or someplace that has REAL mountains, but for Missouri it's pretty good. I stopped at a little scenic view and took a couple of pics. Here is one of them...

I rode Ruby into work this morning and didn't need my motorcycle jacket. Temperature is supposed to hit about 90 today so the ride home should give me a taste of what riding will be like on my big motorcycle trip later on this summer.

Till next time...