Friday, May 29, 2009


It's my favorite day of the week. FRIDAY! Yippee.

I rode Ruby in to work this morning. The 6:00 a.m. temp was right at 58 degrees. They're calling for sunshine and afternoon temps up to 80. Now you're talking! I think it rained every day this week prior to today. And, it was cold. Whatever happened to those warm sunny May days of yesteryear? Global Warming???? Don't make me laugh!

I'm still ramping up for my motorcycle trip this summer. I'm thinking about gettting one of those "netbook" thingies to take along so that I can post to my new best friend "bloggy" updates about my trip. My boss gave me some information today about an HP mini notebook that's available from Verizon Wireless. I'll check that out. Yesterday I went on the internet and got some info about a Samsung netbook that Consumer Reports rated as the highest of all the ones they tested. This weekend I'm gonna try and do some more research to help narrow down my choices.

Well, I better go for now.


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