Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 12

Sarah took me to a little 50's style cafe last night for dinner. After that we drove around for a while and she pointed out a lot of interesting sights. I honestly don't know how she stands the traffic in this town. Driving down the I-5 yesterday was enough to send me to therapy (yeah, yeah, I come the wise cracks).

Later on today we're going to go for a motorcycle ride on Mulholland drive. I've never driven that road and Sarah says it's really pretty. You get to see some good views of the valley from up there, so I should have pictures of that later today.

Other than that I'm just catching up on housekeeping duties. Went to laundromat this morning and did some laundry. I actually brought too many clothes on the trip. I could have traveled lighter by doing more sensible packing. Oh well, guess I'm learning valuable lessons for future trips.

Gotta go for now, but I'll be back later.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun, we are interested to hear about your packing tips next time you visit, football season is almost upon us.
