Friday, August 7, 2009

Day 14

I made it to Gallup, New Mexico today. I rode 652 miles.

I got an early start this morning. I woke Sarah up, said my goodbyes and was on the road by 5:30. Oddly enough, the freeways weren't near as deserted as I had hoped. Either LA likes to get up early for "another day in paradise" or people were just coming home from the night before.

Anyway, I had to face my fears and tackle the 101, the I-10 and the I-15 all without the benefit of a lousy cup of coffee. Remember those amusement park roller coasters that we all used to scream our heads off on? Well, that was me riding down the I-10 this morning.

No one even noticed me.

But, I managed to make it through and just like I suspected, when I got to Interstate 40, everything calmed down.

The rest of the day I just pushed across Arizona in some kind of Tazmanian Devil crosswind. I was afraid some of the 18 wheeler trailers were going to tip. Every time I went to pass one, I'd goose the throttle and fly by.

My instruments are all covered by a thick layer of dust. Now I ask you, how can a motorcycle get dust on it when it's going 75 mph?

No pictures today. All I stopped for was gas and to use the rest room. At the rate I need to crank miles, there probably won't be time for pictures tomorrow or Sunday either. So, if you've been following along JUST to see my boring pictures, I'm afraid it just got more boring.

Till tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I completely forgot about the elevation change, that must have been incredible, I would have loved to see a video of that, next year I am getting you helmet cam for your birthday.
