Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 4

I made it to Kerry's! I know I've been saying the first leg of my trip was to 'Seattle' all this time, but my brother Kerry and his wife Judy actually live about 35 miles east of Seattle. Another one of my brothers Barry, and his wife Adrienne got here last night sometime. And, if that isn't enough, later on tonight someone here will go to the airport and pick up ANOTHER brother Nat and his wife Delene and her daughter Gretchin. Sort of remind you of "Hi, I'm Larry...and this is my brother Daryl...and this is my OTHER brother Daryl..."?

One of the reasons for all of this 'coming together' is because one of my nieces is getting married in Olympia on Thursday and a lot of us wanted to be here for that.

Then, on Saturday, Kerry and I take off for the next part of this adventure - The Pacific Coast Highway!

Now for a quick recap...this morning I slept in till 5:00 a.m. LOCAL time. Everything about today was a different mindset then the previous 3 days. I thought more today about the 'journey' as opposed to the 'destination'. I really tried to focus on appreciating what was going on around me and not to be so dialed in on how many miles I had to make. You know what? That's a lot easier to do if you don't have the mileage requirement beating you over the head.

With that being said, I really got to see some spectacular views...although that may have had more to do with the country I was driving through than any change in focus on my part. It's hard not to think expansive thoughts about purpose and existence when you're surrounded by mountains and forests. At least for me it is. But, enough of that!

I want to share a picture of my brother's house where I'll be staying...

Pretty nice, huh? Then look what they get to wake up to every morning in their back yard...

I'm jealous. It is SO beautiful here...and except for the fact that it rains here 345 days a year...I'd like to live here myself.

They talk about all the wild life you can see here and I don't think they mean the neighbors! Speaking of neighbors, I understand that THEY'VE already been put on notice that if any offensive noise or incidents occur over the next couple of days, that it will because of "the brothers" and NOT Kerry or Judy.

Believe me, I'm an old hand at this and in my book, Kerry just wrote himself a free pass for acting out all he wants the next couple of days. Always a planner, that one!

So, the next couple of days will be spent catching up on family news, cleaning up the motorcycle (you wouldn't believe all the blood and guts that have to get cleaned off), attending the BIG wedding and of course letting all of you know what I've been up to. I'm sure there will be some pictures to post as well.

Thanks for looking in and I hope it's been worth your time.

Bye for now.


  1. Glad you made it, Dad! Tell the family I said hello and enjoy your visit!!
    P.S. Tell Aunt Judy she's not the only one who can't figure out how to follow this blog....

  2. sounds like a great ride.....can't wait to experience it myself.......
    say hi! to everyone for me.......and have a cold moose drule for me.....haven't had one of those in a couple of years......
