Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Well, I've gone and done it again. I dropped my new bike last night. Scratched one of the hard bags. Apparently I'm most dangerous when I'm going less than one mile per hour. Last night, I wasn't moving at all. I had pulled in to gas up and was putting the bike up on it's center stand when I lost the balance battle and like a slow train wreck the bike tipped over and went down.

I dropped the Harley once too. Exactly once. Another parking lot incident. I had forgotten to take the wheel lock off and boom, down I went. Again, under one mile per hour.

I hate that I dropped it, but maybe now it's over. It's been dropped the requisite one time. I sure hope so. I'm taking the bike in tomorrow anyway for the break-in service, so maybe the dealer can suggest something to smooth out the scratches.

Better not dwell on it. Just pick up my bruised ego and move on...


  1. So sorry to hear that. As long as your ego is the only thing that is bruised you'll be OK. The first scratch is always the hardest. See you next week.

  2. You must be getting to leave about now. Just take it easy! No schedule is worth keeping if you start falling asleep at the helm.

