Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The day turned out OK

After the way my day started out, I can't complain about the way it ended. I decided the battery in my Harley fob must have been low. I removed it at work, cleaned it and put it back and that seemed to do the trick. No more Harley acting out.

So, I made the exchange at the BMW dealer at lunch and went back to work. I took a few pictures of the new bike on the parking lot at work...

I need to put 600 miles on pretty quick so they'll have time to service the bike before I leave on the 25th. That means I'll be riding every night during the week and day and night on the weekend...

I rode tonight for a couple of hours and put about 100 miles up. I'm starting to feel more comfortable and think I'm really going to like this. This bike is SO much fun to ride...

I can't wait to ride to work tomorrow.

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