Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 6

Good morning from the Pacific Northwest, the new Sun Belt Capital.

We set a new record yesterday (I think). Listen to me, saying "we" when really I had nothing to do with it. But isn't it funny how when records are broken, people usually want to be part of it in some way? Anyway, what I should have said was that I think the temperature here yesterday set some kind of record.

The forcasted high was supposed to be 94, but lucky us, the temperature soared past 105. It's comforting to know that the weather forcasters here are just as bad as the ones in St. Louis.

I'm gonna stick my neck out here and predict that it's gonna be hot today too. Today is the BIG wedding. It's going to be on the beach, so PLEASE GOD...let there be a breeze.

We'll have to see what the day brings but whatever it is, I'm sure it will be captured in digital form and preserved for some distant future memory or more likely as blackmail.

I'll give you all an update later.

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