Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Vacation approaches...

Well, with vacation less than 3 weeks away, I need to get in gear and tie up loose ends. I need to get 20,000 mile maintenance done on Ruby, plot my routes, get all packed, and make a new plan Stan.

Maybe I'll get free of the rain by leaving. It's been a really wet Spring and early Summer. Not to mention COOL.

On the first leg of my trip I'll end up in Seattle. My brother lives there and a couple of nieces and nephews. One of my sisters kids is getting married up there on July 30th, so I'll be there for that. Other family is flying in for the wedding so it will be a lot of fun. Last time we were all together up there I had one of the best times I can remember. We hiked, ate and drank, made fun of each other, drank some more...and in general just had a good time.

After the wedding, we'll leave on motorcycles and head down the Pacific Coast Highway. I've never been that way before but everything I've heard and read tells me I'm in for something special. This will be the first of what I hope are several "trips of a lifetime".


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