Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I'm already a wreck and it's not even 8:30 a.m.!

What a day it's been already! I'm trading motorcycles today - if I make it that far. I'm trading good ole dependable Ruby (my Harley) for a brand new much younger, lighter, faster and oddly enough - safer BMW R 1200RT, who has yet to be named.

While showering this morning, I hear all this rumbling and my first thought is that Linda is up and moving furniture. Now, that's not as far fetched as you might think. She's been known to do things like that at 5:30 in the morning. Ok - maybe not moving furniture, but vacuuming springs to mind.

But no - you probably guessed's thunder, and it's raining cats and dogs. My first challenge of the day and I'm not even out of the shower.

After finally deciding to ride anyway, I load up the motorcycle and start to back out of the garage when the motorcycle security system starts yelling at me. Lights are flashing, the siren is blaring and I'm all hot and sweaty in my rain gear. My goggles are fogging up and I can't see anything very clearly so I get off and "step away from the motorcycle" and after about 5 seconds everything goes quiet.

OK. I think maybe it's a fluke. Get back on, start to back out and boom - same thing all over again. Are you kidding me? What are the odds that I've never had a single problem with my Harley since day one, and now on the VERY day that I'm going to trade her, this starts happening? It's like she's mad at me. That can't be. I told her last night that I was taking her out to the country and that a farmer was going to take her in and that she could run and be free and that every day would be sunny. So, that CAN'T be it.

Anyway, I finally had to manually bypass the security system to get backed out of the garage and ready to roll. In the meantime, I manage to lose my glasses. Somewhere between the garage and the end of the driveway, I lose my glasses. Do you believe it? I spend another 5 minutes looking everywhere and finally locate them underneath the motorcycle. I didn't actually SEE the motorcycle take them from me, but...all of a sudden I'm starting to remember that Stephen King book "Christine" (I think) about that car that was - I dunno, possessed or something? I get back on the bike and whaddya know...the security alarm goes crazy.

So, I'm late, sweaty, my glasses are scratched, it's raining, I've bypassed the security system twice, and I haven't even left the driveway.

I manage to arrive at work without any further mishaps. I gather up everything I need and walk to my office. When I go to put things away I can't find my goggles. Weepin' Jesus on the Cross! What else can go wrong?

Man, I'm really beginning to wonder if this all means something! I retrace my steps and sure enough, my goggles are laying in plain sight on the sidewalk.

This day has just GOT to get better!

I'll let you know later...

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