Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 5

Good Morning everybody!

You might just get a double-dose of me today. It's 6:00 am up here in the Pacific Northwest and Adrienne and I are the only ones up so far today.

It managed to cool down nicely overnight and a welcome breeze is blowing now. I'm sitting here looking out the window drinking my first cup of coffee and thinking it's great to be alive and NOT AT WORK!

I'm not too sure what we'll end up doing today or for that matter if we'll all do something together as a group. Hiking was one thing mentioned, as was going to a casino. Oddly enough, I might like to go for a motorcycle ride.

With this crowd though, I don't think anything is gonna happen all that soon.

I'm gonna go for now, but I'll report back later and I promise some kind of pictures!

See ya...

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